Financial forecasting: How to Set Your Business up for Success

By Linda RoperJanuary 19, 2023

Whether you run a start-up, medium-sized business, or you’re the CEO of a global enterprise, you will need to know exactly where you stand financially, now and in the near future. As we emerge into a post-pandemic world, many financial experts are warning business owners of the impact a global recession could have on the world stage, which is why future-proofing your company is key.Financial forecastingImage: ©humanmade via

As such, financial forecasting is one of the most important tools for determining where to put your money, how to deal with risks, and how to prepare for future growth. So, if you want to learn how to effectively and financially navigate the business world in 2023, let’s get into it! In this article, we're going to delve into the foundations of financial forecasting to help you lay the groundwork for sustained growth throughout 2023 and beyond.

What Is Financial Forecasting?

To begin to understand the importance of preparing for your company’s financial future, let’s first recap what financial forecasting actually involves and how to get it right!

A company's future financial performance can be predicted using a process known as financial forecasting. This approach starts by looking back at the business’s previous financial data in addition to other pertinent information such as growth, organic and paid, as well as expenses and financial liabilities. If you think about how you financially plan for your own future, such as putting money aside for a rainy day or having a retirement fund in place, financial planning for your business quickly becomes clear. Basically, you’re looking ahead in order to make sure you have the right funds in place to overcome any obstacles, challenges and market changes, as well as nurturing business growth.

Part of financial planning looks at the company’s historical records in order to identify any patterns, trends and issues. This information can then be used to move forward and plan for the future. The process of financial forecasting is used to generate several types of financial projections, including statements, balance sheets, and statements of cash flow.

What Is The Purpose Of Financial Forecasting?

One of the most significant benefits of conducting financial forecasting is that it gives you the ability to spot possible issues before they even arise. For instance, if you believe that your company will soon be unable to pay its bills due to a drop in sales or demand for your products or services, you have the ability to handle the issue before it escalates into a crisis by taking the appropriate preventative measures.

Financial forecasting is intended to assist business owners in making data-driven decisions regarding resource allocation, risk management, and growth planning. Budgets, which are financial plans outlining how you intend to make and spend money in the following year, can be created using financial forecasting. This is a vital instrument for controlling cash flow, monitoring performance, and making informed decisions. If you can prepare for a potential market change and have an exit plan or plan of action in place to overcome the problem, you can avoid major disruptions and financial concerns that could lead to closure or bankruptcy.

In addition, financial forecasting can assist in identifying prospective challenges and opportunities to scale up and expand, enabling you to capitalise on these opportunities before your rivals do so. This allows you to have in place effective strategies to grow your business, even before the opportunity presents itself to you. For instance, if you anticipate a market change that could work in your favour, having the steps already outlined and a plan ready to go, you can maximise business potential and time-sensitive opportunities.

How To Do It Right?

Woman sharing financial reports with colleagueImage: ©Artem Podrez via

To conduct successful financial forecasting, you’ll need to spend some time collecting current and accurate financial data. As we’ve mentioned above, this could include income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and other data related to sales and expenses. You must also evaluate external elements that may have an impact on your firm, including economic conditions, industry trends, and the actions of competitors.

Once you have collected the necessary information, you may begin to analyse it and develop financial estimates. You can develop financial projections using a variety of methods, including trend analysis, regression analysis, and financial modelling. Each strategy has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, so it is essential to select the one that matches your business the best.

Update Predictions & Alter Your Course

The assumptions you make are one of the most critical factors to consider when developing financial estimates. These hypotheses should be based on empirical evidence, not just speculation. It is also essential to frequently examine and update your assumptions to ensure that they remain correct and relevant.

Once you have your financial estimates, it is necessary to check them frequently and make any necessary revisions. Updating your data, reviewing your assumptions, and modifying your estimates in light of new knowledge is all part of the process.

Additionally, it is essential to develop and adhere to a budget. Budgeting enables you to manage cash flow, monitor performance, and make well-informed choices. It is vital to establish realistic budget goals and to review and alter them as necessary.

Assessing Business Risk

Risk management is another crucial part of financial forecasting. This involves recognising potential risks that could have a negative impact on your firm, such as economic downturns or regulatory changes, and taking actions to minimise them. This may involve diversifying your product or service portfolio, accumulating cash reserves, or acquiring insurance.

In addition, it is essential to keep in mind that financial forecasting is not an exact science. The future will always contain a degree of uncertainty and unpredictability. However, by approaching financial forecasting with care and deliberation, you may reduce uncertainty and make more informed judgements.

Play Out Future Scenarios To Better Prepare

In addition to standard financial forecasting, different tools and methodologies can be employed to provide insight into the future performance of your firm. For instance, scenario planning can be used to examine several potential future outcomes, and sensitivity analysis can be used to determine how alterations to important assumptions will affect your estimates.

Data analysis is another useful tool that may be used to find patterns, trends, and insights that can inform financial predictions. This may involve the use of software to examine massive data sets or machine learning techniques to recognise trends.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, financial forecasting is an indispensable tool for any company seeking growth and prosperity. Ultimately, the key to successful financial forecasting is to approach it with a combination of rigour, discipline, and flexibility. By collecting precise data, properly analysing it, and making well-informed decisions, you may position your organisation for success in 2023 and beyond. And Expensein's cloud-based expense management application provides all you need to submit, approve, and report on expenses in one, simple-to-use package!